bulldozers and angledozers, s
graders and levelers, self-pr
mechanical front-end shovel l
mechanical shovels, excavator
mechanical shovels, excavator
continuous-action elevators a
tamping machines and road rol
passenger or freight elevator
continuous-action elevators a
self-propelled lifting or han
lifting, handling, loading or
continuous-action elevators a
boring or sinking machinery,
pneumatic elevators and conve
moving, grading, leveling, ex
self-propelled lifting or han
boring or sinking machinery,
fork-lift and other works tru
moving, grading, leveling, sc
tamping or compacting machine
pile-drivers and pile-extract
coal or rock cutters and tunn
continuous-action elevators a
bulldozers and angledozers, s
teleferics, chair lifts, ski
escalators and moving walkway
coal or rock cutters and tunn
snowplows and snowblowers