It is almost weekend and the chosen cocktail is Margarita!

Published on 15 June 2017

In the whole world there is a common language for certain days. When it's Monday, everyone knows it's time to get into routine and work focus. Thursday arrives and we start thinking about the weekend. And as the song says, "It's Friday I'm in love." It is an emotion of happiness that occurs in time differences, but that is just as contagious. It's almost Friday and everyone is happy

The global language of foreign trade is called Incoterms. This made us have a common language among all countries to know what is the real price, whether at the port, at home or in this case, in your favorite bar.

Many think about their favorite cocktail to liven up the weekend: It could be the margarita.

Sure nobody thought about this before, but the Incoterms can also reflect strong emotions. The new leader of the Free World, a total anachronism, sets the tone for how happy we will be when, after a long week, we only want a couple of margaritas. President Trump wants to eliminate or negotiate NAFTA. This has a real impact on the satisfaction of a Margarita.

Let's see the detail of the ingredients of this perfect cocktail:

2 measures of tequila
1 measure of triplesec
1 measure of lemon
Chopped ice

To know that they will not reduce the quality and quantity of tequila in the margarita, so as not to change the final sale price in the bar, we analyze the imports:

In 2016, the tequila consumed in the United States, in its majority, was 92% Mexican. With this we ensure the two measures with originality. In 2016, imports increased by 6% in liters and by 3% in value, reaching its peak of 128 million liters and 1,103 million dollars.

For a good margarita, the lemon measure can not be any lemon. It must have the necessary degree of acidity, and this is not achieved in any country.

Imports of lemon from Mexico have reached 594 million kilos in 2016, with a growth of 9% over the previous year. This business has achieved a value of 433 million dollars in 2016, increasing by 17% the value per kilo, 0.73 $ / kg.

Finally, the ingredient that gives harmony to this cocktail is salt. Coming mostly from Chile, representing 33% of imports with 158 million, Canada is not far behind either. This represents 24% of imports with a total of 115 million dollars.

Thanks to NAFTA and foreign trade, it is possible that Margarita is achievable for the American palate and your pocket. We hope that NAFTA remains the same and does not have to reduce in quality or quantity. It's weekend and we just want to relax with a cocktail- or maybe some more.

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