Mexican avocado export to the United States would achieve record this year

Published on 13 August 2019

The creamy fruit advances with green light in its main destination around the world, and can reach record levels.

The enormous production of Mexican avocado is easily absorbed by the insatiable US market. Currently, this round is two million tons per year, and could exceed 2.5 million tons by 2024, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Mexico (Sagarpa).

This growth goes hand in hand with the identification of demand to avoid excesses that break the balances sought. This is going to be supported by the development of the European market, but at the moment the United States is by far the most important destination to consider while moving forward with the incursion into Europe, as shown in the following tables.

Fortunately for Mexico, the performance of exports to the United States has been positive, and in fact it is expected to increase throughout this year. According to the Association of Avocado Producers and Exporters of Mexico (APEAM), it is expected that at the end of the 2019/2020 season shipments to that country the million tons (1,042,051, to give the exact forecast), compared to 709,367 tons recorded in the table below.

This has been achieved with a joint work of exporters and the Mexican government, which disseminates the consumption of Mexican avocado through the Avocados from Mexico brand. In this way, the country with the highest production of this fruit meets the one with the highest demand, which even has a special day for consumption: that of the Super Bowl, which has led to the adoption of the term avocado bowl, alluding to Bowls of guacamole that accompany viewers during the most anticipated football game of the year, on which day around 47,000 tons of avocado is consumed.

This is just a sample of how important avocado is for American consumers, and how it can continue to position itself as a daily consumption product so that every weekend, lunch, family or friends snack becomes an avocado bowl . The work is not only in the countryside, the port and the supermarkets, but also in the commercial promotion departments of the exporters and the government to take advantage of the enormous market share of the Mexican avocado.

And of course, Mexico takes the lead in the competition to win consumers, who while peeling the green fruit in the prelude to the event, find a label that says Avocados from Mexico, just in the high production season.
