From the land of the Inca to the world
Published on 20 July 2017
We are already in the middle of July, a month to celebrate the Independence of Peru. This date makes us reflect: How is the agricultural sector doing? In spite of the negative inconveniences caused by the phenomenon of the "Coastal Child" in the summer, in Peru they have much to celebrate.
If we talk about the export sector, we have to applaud those products from the Pachamama - 'mother earth' in Quechua language - that adorn the tables throughout the country and for which hundreds of people fill markets and supermarkets.
Only in 2016 agricultural products increased by 4,703,208,575, surpassing previous years.
Of all this diverse group of products from our Inca land, fresh grapes and avocado stand out (also known as avocado), with 14% and 8% distribution.
Does this positive streak continue until 2017? With great gratitude we inform you that yes. According to information from Veritrade as of June 2017, exports of Peruvian agricultural products are 1,773,229,492, which represents 38% compared to 2016.
This is also confirmed by the information provided by the Minagri for the Diario El Comercio, so far in 2017 the two products 'star' are still fresh grapes, which this time obtained 20.5% and avocados with 39.9%. This, in the first five months of 2017.
As treasured as gold or silver, these agricultural products and others are exported first to the United States, with 26%. The country of 'Uncle Sam' rose in contrast to 2016, which was in second place with 31% and the list was headed by "Others" with 32%.
If we talk about reflections…
We can say that for exports to increase or maintain a good rhythm, conditions must be optimized so that the agricultural sector does not decay; These can be both in terms of investing in machinery for the treatment of land or in quality fertilizers so that these delicious and rewarding figures do not fall into the abyss.
Now Peruvians have one more reason to celebrate during their national month, know the benefits of Veritrade and sign up for the free trial, to find opportunities and innovate in your business.
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